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SAFARI VARMINTING SOUTH AFRICA Artikel Geskryf Deur – Philip Badenhorts Ek is Phillip Badenhorst, en woon in Sentraal Suid Afrika, in die Noord Kaap. Vir jare word ons boere geteister deur roofdiere wat ons vee en pluimvee vang deur die nag  asook deur die dag. Dit plaasgeweldig druk op ons Boere se oorlewing, en dit […]

Why Invest in a Thermal Monocular in South Africa?

Why Invest in a Thermal Monocular in South Africa?

Why Invest in a Thermal Monocular in South Africa Owning a thermal monocular in South Africa is owning the night and discovering objects, people, and animals behind the curtain of darkness and determining whether it is friend or foe. According to the IEP’s (Institute for Economics and Peace) latest Global Peace Index (GPI), published end […]

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